Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Boro Site

This site is actually located in the Village Tulis Kriyo, District Sanankulon, not a temple but the statue of Ganesha (saw picture). Close to Temple in the southwest Sumberjati Blitar. Ganesha statues like that are often placed near the crossing of the river - probably due to the nature of the deity Ganesha as memberbolehkan fans overcome all obstacles.

This three-meter high temple. On the back of his head when there is a big advance. Gadjah god is holding a small broom and hatchets. Ornaments that lay at the foot of this statue is a joist and tengorak-skull. This statue is covered with a roof and surrounded by houses. Behind him there are tall trees.

The caretaker of this temple is Mother Sanangulon and he was very pleased to tell about his experience and history of the statue. She has lived next to the statue for 60 years and was born not far from the location. In 1940 he migrate to Singapore to work as maids. Two years later he returned and bought a house with a rear door that comes out about five feet from the statue.

He said, in 1940 the statue was covered with sand by the Dutch authorities because they fear it will be bombed statue of the Japanese attack. When the Japanese invaded Indonesia and the entrance area of Blitar statue was dismantled again. He said that Japanese people use the statue to pray according to his beliefs.

After independence she married a tentarawan. Not long after the events of '65 (and the tension between religion began to emerge), there are people who come to the statue it once at night. Mother's husband (who has passed away now) told her that he believed the man was a soldier. But his own mother as the person mentioned it. They come with a pickax and menetaki face statues. When asked about the reason for the attack she said that maybe this place is considered a place that is misleading by those orthodox Muslim. According to Mother, eventually those people who damage the statue itself was being punished because there fell ill and some die.

In front of the statue there was incense and flowers and leaves, Mom said that every day there are people who pray on the spot (the Hindu religion and Islam). He said Muslims still believe in the existence of god there. He also said that there are foreigners who come to pray, especially from Japan - but he was not sure if this is related to the Japanese colonial period.