The capital of Gunung Kidul regency, Wonosari, is located south-east of Yogya city 65 km from Yogyakarta City. You will pass Wonosari City, as capital of Gunungkidul Regency, the distance approximately 40 kilometer from Yogyakarta. Road infrastructure to Wonosari City is good enough. Gunung Kidul in the line of the Southern Mountains and also Sewu Mountains. This area is the limestone hills and the karst landscape, barren and lack of surface water. The center is hollow Wonosari (Wonosari Basin) which has undergone tectonic processes so that the plateau was Wonosari. So normal that many people think that Gunung Kidul is hot. However, behind it Gunung Kidul has its own charm, rich in natural attractions, from karst to the beach. Gunung Kidul has many beautiful beach tourism. From the coastal region whose length is about 70 km.
Gunung Kidul has its own charm, rich in natural attractions, from karst to the beach. Gunung Kidul has many beautiful beach tourism. There are 15 beach tourism area become a mainstay of tourism in Gunung Kidul. Beaches were spread in several districts, including District Tepus, Tanjungsari, Girisubo, Saptosari, Purwosari, and Bake. Call it Kukup Beach, Baron, Beach Beach Gesing, Ngobaran Beach, Beach Krakal, Sundak, Along Beach, Ngandong Beach, and Beach Wediombo that presents the beauty of white sand, marine biota, and coral reefs. Hundreds of species of ornamental fish can be seen directly at the surface of calm sea water. Sadeng beach which is the mainstay for the supply of fresh sea fish in the country. Among other things, bawal fish, tuna, snapper, Layur, lobster, stingrays, and sharks. The beauty is also decorated with beach trees, such as Drini Beach, has specificity Drini tree, which is a kind of shrubs that grow on rocks Drini beach.
Few Beach In Gunungkidul :
Pantai Baron
Pantai Sepanjang
Pantai KukupPantai Drini
Pantai Krakal
Pantai Sundak
Pantai Parang Racuk
Pantai Siung
Pantai Wediombo
Pantai Sadeng
Pantai Langkap
Pantai Butuh
Pantai Slili
Pantai Ngungap
Pantai Ngrenehan